MOVINGAZE.COM Online Store Worldwide Thu, 04 May 2023 02:46:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MOVINGAZE.COM 32 32 218994544 Natural Allergy Remedies Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:29:27 +0000

Are you an individual who suffers from allergies? If so, you may be looking for ways to seek relief. Most individuals turn to over-the-counter medications. While these medications do work, in most cases, there are many individuals who are concerned with exactly what it is they are putting into their bodies.

If you are one of those individuals, you will want to continue reading on. Below, a number of natural allergy remedies are highlighted below. In addition to being considered natural allergy remedies, many are also known as home remedies for allergies.

1.) One natural allergy remedy that comes highly rated and recommended is that of apple cider vinegar. Often times, the only complaint that most have with apple cider vinegar is the taste. However, it is not only known as a natural remedy to treat allergies. Many also use it to assist with weight loss, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Most individuals using apple cider vinegar to treat allergies recommend taking two tablespoons a day. Mixing it with juice or water is also advised, which can assist with taste issues.

2.) Red clover is another natural allergy remedy. What is nice about using red clover to treat your allergy symptoms is all of the options that you have, as red clover is available in a wide range of formats. With that being said, most allergy sufferers recommend red clover tea. Red clover wine and red clover herbal supplements, which come in the format of pills, are also available for sale both on and offline. 

3.) Carefully choosing the foods in which you consume is another natural way to reduce or treat the symptoms of allergies. Lime squeezed into water has been known to assist those with allergies. Vegetable juices and bananas also come highly rated and recommended.

4.) Acupuncture is also an ideal way to treat and relieve the symptoms of allergies. According to WebMD, a trusted medical website, acupuncture helped to reduce all allergy symptoms in a study performed on twenty-six patients. If you are interested in giving acupuncture a try, consider contacting your local health spas, as many offer alternative healing approaches. If acupuncture is not a service offered, you should be provided with contact information for another local practitioner.

5.) In addition to the above mentioned natural allergy remedies, there are also steps that you can take to prevent the onset of allergies or steps that you can take to reduce these symptoms. Most of these helpful tips can still be considered natural allergy remedies, but in a different sense. Also, these additional tips, a few of which are outlined below, are for just about anyone suffering from allergies, as they are affordable and easy to implement.

6.) For pet allergies, stay a safe distance away from pets. With that said, if you are a pet owner who cannot bear to part with your beloved pets, be sure to keep them out of your bedroom, as this is where you spend most of your time.

7.) Since mold is a common trigger factor for allergies, it is important to take steps to remove mold from your home or prevent it from growing. Limiting the humidity in your home is a great way to reduce or completely prevent mold growth. Use a bathroom fan or open a bathroom window when taking a shower, to reduce mold growth in the bathroom. If you already have mold in your home, contact a professional to inquire about a mold removal. Until that time comes, be sure to avoid areas in your home where mold is present.

The above mentioned natural allergy remedies are just a few of the many that allergy sufferers recommend, but they are a few of the most popular approaches taken. As a reminder, it is important to remember that natural remedies and home remedies work differently on different individuals. If you do not see the success that you had hoped for, not all hope is lost, as there should be another natural allergy remedy out there that can provide you with relief.

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How to Cure Bad Breath Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:27:43 +0000 Bad breath is a common health problem in the society. Offensive smell from the mouth may be due to various reasons. The main reason is the presence of anaerobic bacteria in the biofilm formed on the tongue. These bacteria degrades the proteins present in the food resulting in the production of some offensive gases like hydrogen sulphide, etc..

Bad odor from the mouth in the early morning is seen in almost all individuals. This can be controlled by maintaining oral hygiene. Even after cleaning the mouth some individuals may suffer from bad breath due to some problem in the mouth or in the nearby areas. Some general disease condition can also produce bad breath. Exact cause has to be identified and should be treated accordingly. Some common measures to cure or reduce bad breath are discussed here.

Oral hygiene:

Mouth should be kept clean every time to reduce the bacterial action. After food gargling with lukewarm water is very essential. Even after small food articles like snacks, sweets, biscuits cleaning with water is needed. Brushing should be done twice daily. It is said that early morning brushing is for beauty and bed time brushing is for good health.

Brushing techniques:

Normal brushing technique should be followed for better result. Many people brush vigorously causing damage to the gums. Brushing after every food and drink can damage the enamel. Bristles of the tooth brush should be smooth but hard enough to remove the food particles from the gaps. The direction of brushing is the most important thing. The upper teeth should be brushed in a downward direction and the lower in upward direction. This is applicable to both inner and outer surfaces. Next comes the crown of the teeth; here brushing is done in anterior and posterior direction keeping the brush in same direction. This applicable to both upper and lower set of teeth.

Tongue cleaning:

White or yellowish coating on the tongue can cause bad breath. This is more well marked in the morning and should be removed twice daily with the help of a tongue cleaner. Tongue cleaner must be used gently without damaging the taste buds on the tongue.

Tooth pick:

Tooth pick is a small strip of wood or plastic with a pointed end. This is used to remove food particles lodged between the gaps. Very useful after eating meat and fish. Should be used gently to avoid damage to gums.


After every meal gargling with lukewarm water is useful. For better result little common salt is dissolved in the lukewarm water. Different types of mouth wash is available in the market in different trade names. Gargling with mouth wash can also reduce bad breath.

Food habits:

Protein containing food articles are known to produce bad breath. Example; meat, milk, fish, egg etc. If these food articles are taken proper cleaning is essential. Some food articles are known to produce particular smell which may be unpleasant for others.  Raw onion is the best example. It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and a raw onion a day keep every body away. Small food articles taken in between can also cause bad smell (nuts, fried items etc.). Maintaining regularity in food timing is the most important thing.

Water intake:

Dryness in the mouth can make a favorable condition for the bacterial activity resulting in bad odor. Saliva is needed to keep the mouth moist and to reduce the bacterial proliferation. Production of saliva is closely related with water balance of the body and hence sufficient quantity of water should be taken to maintain the production of saliva.

Mouth freshners:

Natural and artificial mouth freshners can reduce the intensity of bad breath to some extent. Spicy articles are commonly used for this purpose. Chewing spices like clove, cumin seed, cardomom, cinnamon, ginger etc. are useful. All citrus fruits can reduce bad odor. Mouth fresheners and chewing gums are available in the market. These products are also helpful ,but some may cause damage hence should be used with caution.

If the above things doesn’t work then what to do?

Consider the following:

1) Remove the cause:

Bad breath is common in some general and systemic diseases like diabetes, fevers, gastric disorders, liver diseases and etc. By removing or reducing the primary  cause the bad breath will go automatically.

2) Modern medicine:

If bad breath is due to any infection suitable antibiotics, anti fungal or anti viral medicines will help. If it is due to any autoimmune or chronic inflammatory conditions steroids may also be used. Saliva producing tablets can also be used. 

3) Dental cleaning:

Dental cleaning done by a dentist can remove the dental plaques and tartar. This can reduce the severity of bad breath. Visit your dentist at least once in a year.

4) Filling of caries:

Since caries are one of the main cause for bad breath it should be filled by a dentist. Earlier silver amalgam was used, nowadays it is replaced by synthetic materials. If the pulp cavity is affected by the caries root canal treatment can be done.

5) Tooth extraction:

If caries are deep with destruction of teeth with bad smell extraction is the better choice and a dental implant can be kept in the gap.

6) Tonsillectomy:

Patients with recurrent tonsillitis can have bad breath due to offensive discharges and release of pasty materials from the crypts of tonsils. Such patients get great relief after tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils).

7) Psychological counselling:

Those who suffer from bad breath may be very much depressed and they be away from the public. This isolation hampers their day-to-day activities. Such people should understand the fact that all human beings are having bad breath, but with slight differences in intensities. Mostly all people control it by taking personal care. Every human body has got it’s own smell, that may or may not be tolerable for others. They should be advised to do all hygienic measures to reduce the intensity of smell. Improving the quality of life by all possible means can also help. Moral support from friends and family members are needed for such people.

Some individuals visit the doctor for bad breath without any real problem. It is included under somatization disorder. They usually complain about pain, breathlessness, abdominal discomfort, bad smell etc.. proper diagnosis is needed to rule out any real causes. These patients should be managed with a psychological approach.     

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Food Poisoning: Cause, Symptoms, Remedy & Prevention Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:09:36 +0000

Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals. Food poisoning is common in hostels, communal feedings, and festivel seasons.

A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours.

Types of food poisoning

1.) Bacterial food poisoning:

Here the micro organisms called bacteria are responsible.The food material may contain the pathogenic bacteriae or their toxin and will be ingested along with the food.

2.) Non bacterial food poisoning:

Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers,insectisides,heavy metals and ect.

How food poisoning occures

1.) Presence of bacteria in the water.

2.) The raw materials for the food may contain toxins.

3.) Premises where the food is prepared may contain micro organisms or toxins.

4.) Food handlers may have some infectious diseases.

5.) Some animals like dogs,rats may contaminate the food.

6.) If prepared food is kept in the room temperature for a long time and heated again can make a chance for food poisoning.

7.) Purposely some body mixing toxins in the food.

Some common bacterial food poisonings

Salmonella food poisoning:

There are three different varieties of salmonella bacteria (salmonella typhimurium,salmonella cholera suis, salmonella enteritidis). These bacteria are present in milk, milk products and eggs.  Symptoms of this food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.  Fever is also common.


This is the dangerous type of food poisoning caused by clostridium botulinum. The spores of these organisms are seen in the soil and enters the human body through pickles and canned fish ect. Compared to other food poisonings here vomiting and diarrhoea are rare Mainly the nervous system is affected. The symptoms starts with double vision, numbness with weakness. Later there will be paralysis with cardiac and respiratory failure ending in death.

Staphylococcal food poisoning:

It is caused by staphylo coccus aureus. These organisms usually cause skin troubles like boils and eruptions. It causes mastitis in cow. Through the milk and milk products it enders and causes gastroenteritis. There will be vomiting, abdominal cramps with diarrhoea.

Closteridium food poisoning:

This is caused by closteridium perfringens. They are present in stool, soil and water. They enter the body through meat, meat dishes and egg ect. If food articles are cooked and kept in room temperature for a long time and heated again before eating can result this food poisoning. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.

Bacillus cereus:

The spores of these organisms can survive cooking and causes enteritis. Diarrhoea and vomiting is common in this infection.

How to investigate food poisoning?

1.) Examine each and every person affected.

2.) Water sample should be tested.

3.) Kitchen, store room and food samples should be examined.

4.) The cook and food handlers should be questioned and examined.

5.) Samples of vomitus and stool of all victims should be tested to identify the bacteria.

How to prevent food poisoning

1.) Only purified water should be used.

2.) Hygiene should be maintained by all persons keeping contact with food.

3.) Workers should use masks, cap and gloves during cooking and serving.

4.) Sick individuals should not come in contact with food materials.

5.) Kitchen and premises should be neat and clean.

6.) Vessels should be washed with soap and hot water.

7.) Should not keep the prepared food for a long time in room temperature.

8.) All food materials should be kept in closed containers.

9.) Animals like dog, cat, rat etc should not come in contact with food materials.

10.) Vegetables should be washed before cooking.

11.) Meat should be fresh and should be purchased from recognized slaughter house.

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Lower Back Pain: Symptoms, Cause and How to Deal With It Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:05:30 +0000 Low back pain is a usual symptom amoung the modern civilised people.It affects mainly the middle aged and young adults of both sexes.People who work on the chair with out exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint.

We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain atleast once in life.The causes of  low backpain ranges from simple reasons like muscular strain to cancer of spine and hence backache should not be ignored.The pain is felt in lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites.

What causes backache

The following are some causes for backache.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

Backache due to diseases in the back

a) Injuries 

     1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column.

     2) Rupture of intervertebral discs.

     3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of back.

     4) Lumbosacral strain.

     5) Intervertebral joint injuries.  

     6) Fracture of processes of vertebra.

b) Functional backache due to imbalance

     1) During pregnancy.

     2) Pot belly.

     3) Diseases of the hip joint.

     4) Curvature in the spine due to congenital defect.

     5) Short leg in one side. 

c) Backache due to inflammatory conditions

     1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria.

     2) Tuberculosis of the spine.

     3) Arthritis.

     4) Brucellosis.

     5) Lumbago or fibrositis.

     6) Inflamation of the muscles.

     7) Anchylosing spondylitis.

d) Backache due to degenerative diseases in the back

     1) Osteoarthritis.

     2) Osteoporosis in old people.

     3) Degenaration of the intervertebral disc.

e) Tumour in the spine

     1) Primory tumour of the bones in the spine.

     2) Metastatic tumours from other sites like prostate,lungs,kidneys,intestine ect.

Backache due to gynaecological problems

     a) After childbirth.

     b) After gynaecological operations.

     c) Prolapse of the uterus.

     d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases.

     e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs.

     f) Endometriosis.

Backache due to problems in other parts of the body

     a) Renal stones.

     b) Ureteric stone.

     c) Cancer of prostate.

     d) Pancreatitis.

     e) Biliary stones.

     f) Peptic ulcer.

     g) Inflammations of pelvic organs.

     h) Occlusion of aorta and illiac arteries. 

Investigation of a case of backache

1.) Complete blood count.

2.) Routine urine examination.

3.) Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis.

4.) X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region.

5.) MRI of the spine.

6.) CT scan of abdomen and pelvic region.

7.) Examination of rectum, prostate, genito urinary organs.

Treatment of back ache

1.) Removing the cause for backache.

2.) Symptomatic treatement.

3.) Back exercises.

4.) Traction.

5.) Yoga.

6.) Surgery.

7.) Homoeopathy.

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Bresol Syrup & Tablet Review, Benefits, Uses, Price, Dosage & Side Effects Mon, 13 Mar 2023 13:00:15 +0000 Himalaya Bresol is an ayurvedic and herbal medicine which is available in Tablets and Syrup for children, young and old age people. Bresol is manufactured by Himalaya Drug Company. Himalaya Bresol Tablet is used to provide relief from allergic rhinitis, stuffy nose, allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and pollen allergy.

Bresol is Antihistaminic and Bronchodilatory. Due to these two main effects, it helps in breathing troubles and allergies. Himalaya Bresol Syrup and Tablet contains key ingredients such as haridra, tulsi, and vasaka.

Composition of Bresol Syrup & Tablet

The ingredients are same in both preparations and are as follows:

Bresol Tablet Composition

 IngredientsEach Tablet Contains
 Turmeric (Haldi) – Curcuma Longa100.5mg
 Holy Basil (Tulsi) – Ocimum Sanctum50mg
 Vasaka (Adulsa) – Adhatoda Vasica50mg
 Cinnamon (Dalchini) – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum5mg
 Green Cardamom (Ela) – Elettaria Cardamomum5mg
 Nagkesar – Mesua Ferrea5mg
 Tejpatta – Cinnamomum Tamala5mg
 Mustak – Cyperus Rotundus8mg
 Vaividang – Embelia Ribes8mg

Bresol Syrup Composition

 Ingredients  5ml Syrup Contains
 Turmeric (Haldi) – Curcuma Longa100.5mg
 Holy Basil (Tulsi) – Ocimum Sanctum50mg
 Vasaka (Adulsa) – Adhatoda Vasica50mg
 Cinnamon (Dalchini) – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum5mg
 Green Cardamom (Ela) – Elettaria Cardamomum5mg
 Nagkesar – Mesua Ferrea5mg
 Tejpatta – Cinnamomum Tamala5mg
 Mustak – Cyperus Rotundus8mg
 Vaividang – Embelia Ribes8mg

Uses of Bresol Syrup & Tablet

Bresol can be used in following indications:

Useful in allergic rhinitis (stuffy nose).
Indicated in allergic bronchitis.
Useful in bronchial asthma.
Helpful in Pollen allergy.
Benefits of Bresol Syrup & Tablet

Himalaya Bresol is a rich formulation containing Turmeric (Haridra), Holy Basil (Tulasi), and Malabar Nut (Vasaka) as main ingredients and here are the health benefits of each of these:

Haridra (Turmeric) whose botanical name is Curcuma longa contains Curcumin, a chemical constituent that blocks NF-kappa (a protein complex) which is presumed to be associated with allergy and asthma.
Tulsi (Holy Basil) whose botanical name is Ocimum sanctum, it possesses potent antihistaminic properties which provide protection against a narrowing of the airway caused by pollens. Tulsi also has antioxidant properties as it prevents the production of nitric oxide which is very useful in the treatment of allergic respiratory disorders.
Vasaka (Malabar Nut) whose botanical name is Adhatoda vasica used as a mucolytic agent, which softens the thick mucus sputum and provides relief from a cough. Vasaka contains vasicine (a quinazoline alkaloid) which enhances its bronchodilatory property. It helps in decreasing the breathing difficulty due to respiratory disorders. It also has an antimicrobial action which helps in combating infections caused by both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Bresol Syrup and Tablets exerts following healing properties:

Dosage of Bresol Syrup & Tablet

Dosage of Bresol Syrup & Tablet

Himalaya Bresol Syrup 
 Age Dosage
 Children above 1 yr 1 Teaspoon (2 Times a day)
 Adults 2 Teaspoons (2 Times a day)
 Himalaya Bresol Tablets 
 Age Dosage
 Children above 5 yr 1 Tablet (2 Times a day)
 Adults 1-2 Tablets (2 Times a day)

Side Effects

Bresol is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.


  1. What is the use of the Himalaya Bresol tablet?

Himalaya Bresol Tablet helps to fight respiratory disorders. The natural ingredients synergistically act to provide symptomatic relief in allergic respiratory conditions. Its antihistaminic property manages symptoms associated with respiratory disorders.

  1. Is Bresol good for the sinus?

A saline nasal solution infused with the power of herbs, Bresol-NS helps relieve nasal congestion due to allergies and upper respiratory tract infections. Bresol-NS moistens the nasal mucosa, clears the nasal mucous, softens the mucous crusts and helps wash off allergens.

  1. Is Himalaya Bresol safe?

Yes, there have been no reported cases of Himalayan Bresol being unsafe for those who consume it with medical supervision. Bresol, a poly-herbal formulation, has been reported to be effective against bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis in children.

  1. What is the effect of Himalaya Bresol Syrup on the stomach?

Himalaya Bresol Syrup is considered safe for the stomach.

  1. Is the use of Himalaya Bresol Syrup safe for children?

Himalaya Bresol Syrup is safe for children.

  1. If I consume alcohol, can I take Himalaya Bresol daily basis?

There has not been any considerable study on whether Himalayan Bresol can pose a threat to those who consume alcohol. Consult your doctor or physician about the same and he shall be able to guide you on this matter.

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Bonnisan Review, Benefits, Uses, Price, Dosage & Side Effects Mon, 13 Mar 2023 12:20:14 +0000 Bonnisan Liquid & Drops combats common digestive complaints in infants especially abdominal pain. Bonnisan offers relief from common digestive complaints, reduces colic, improves appetite, and supports digestion, thereby promoting healthy growth.

Composition of Bonnisan Liquid & Drops

The ingredients are same in both preparations, but there is difference in composition. Bonnisan Drops are more concentrated than Bonnisan Liquid.

Bonnisan Liquid Composition

 IngredientsQty in 5 ml Bonnisan Liquid
 Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry – Emblica officinalis0.5 mg
 Biranjasipha – Achillea Millefolium0.5 mg
 Ela (Green Cardamom) -Elettaria Cardamomum0.5 mg
 Gokshura – Tribulus Terrestris0.5 mg
 Guduchi – Tinospora Cordifolia0.5 mg
 Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula0.5 mg
 Himsra – Capparis Spinosa0.5 mg
 Jhavuka – Tamarix Gallica0.5 mg
 Kasamarda – Cassia Occidentalis0.5 mg
  Kasani – Cichorium Intybus0.5 mg
 Pippali – Piper Longum0.5 mg
 Punarnava – Boerhavia Diffusa0.5 mg
 Dill Oil – Oil of Anethum Graveolens0.0018 ml

Bonnisan Drops Composition

 IngredientsQty in 1 ml Bonnisan Liquid
 Amla (Indian Gooseberry – Emblica officinalis0.45 mg
 Biranjasipha – Achillea Millefolium0.45 mg
 Ela (Green Cardamom) -Elettaria Cardamomum0.45 mg
 Gokshura – Tribulus Terrestris0.45 mg
 Guduchi – Tinospora Cordifolia0.45 mg
 Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula0.45 mg
 Himsra – Capparis Spinosa0.45 mg
 Jhavuka – Tamarix Gallica0.45 mg
 Kasamarda – Cassia Occidentalis0.45 mg
 Kasani – Cichorium Intybus0.45 mg
 Pippali – Piper Longum0.45 mg
 Punarnava – Boerhavia Diffusa0.45 mg
 Dill Oil – Oil of Anethum Graveolens0.00162 ml

Uses of Bonnisan

Bonnisan can be used in following indications:

For the treatment of common digestive complaints in infants and children
As a daily health supplement for infants and children to promote healthy growth
Baby colic or abdominal pain
Feeding intolerance
Gastroesophageal reflux
Mild Nausea & vomiting
Benefits of Bonnisan

Bonnisan drops is a rich formulation containing Dill Oil (Shatapushpa), Tinospora Gulancha (Guduchi), and Indian Gooseberry (Amalaki).

Shatapushpa has has potent carminative, stomachic, antimicrobial property which significantly decrease flatulence, abdominal colic, distension and also improves appetite.
Guduchi is an anthelmintic, which dispels parasitic worms from the intestine. It improves digestion to ensure body is able to breakdown essential nutrients and absorb the same in adequate quantity.
Amalaki has antispasmodic and antisecretory properties which increases function of gastro-intestinal tract.
Bonnisan not only helps restore the normal physiological functions of the digestive tract of infants but also has following therapeutic properties:

Dosage of Bonnisan

 Himalaya Bonnisan Liquid 
 Age Dosage
 1 month – 6 months 5ml or 1 Teaspoon (3 Times a day)
 6 month – 3 years 10ml or 2 Teaspoons (3 Times a day)
 Himalaya Bonnisan Drops 
 Age Dosage
 Upto 1 month 5-10 drops (3 Times a day)
 1 month – 6 months 10-20 drops (3 Times a day)

Side Effects

Bonnisan not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.


  1. Are there any side effects of Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid?

No, Bonnisan liquid from Himalaya Herbals does not have any known side effects, and it is safe for consumption by children. However, it is wise to consult your pediatrician before consumption.

  1. What is the difference between Bonnisan Liquid and Bonnisan drops?

Nothing. Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid is the same as Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan drops, and the only difference is in the method of intake. The chemical composition is the same in both products.

  1. Does Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan have Dill oil?

Yes, Dill oil is one of the three components present in Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid. It provides antispasmodic properties to the product.

  1. Who can take Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid?

Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid is targeted to be consumed by infants and young children that are under the age of 3 years.

  1. How do you know if a child has colic?

Crying is one of the signs of colic as it arises due to abdominal pain. But, children and newborns can cry due to a variety of reasons such as indigestion, gastric disturbance, dyspepsia, and colic. Recurrent episodes of crying with specific intervals can be a peculiar sign of colic in infants. They cry due to the abdominal pain that may occur due to impaction. The Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid is a good remedy to provide relief from colic in infants and young children.

  1. What is the age-wise dosage of Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid?

Although the proper dosage of this herbal product should be consulted with a practitioner, the recommended level of safe dose in different ages is as follows: Infants < 1 month: ½ teaspoon, 1-6 months: 1 teaspoon, and 6 months – 3 years: 2 teaspoons.

  1. Is drowsiness associated with consumption of Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid?

No, Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid does not cause any drowsiness or sedation when given to infants. The drug is safe for consumption without any side effects.

  1. Does Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid have an addictive effect on children?

No, there is no such effect associated with Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid. It does not have an additive effect on infants.

  1. Is Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid effective in flatulence in children?

Yes, Himalaya Herbals Bonnisan Liquid is effective in the treatment of flatulence in infants and young children. It has a carminative property that helps in the removal of excessive gases from the gastrointestinal tract.

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Himalaya Abana Review, Benefits, Uses, Price, Dosage & Side Effects Mon, 13 Mar 2023 12:17:42 +0000 Abana is an effective plant-based cardioprotector, has strong action on the working of the cardiovascular system. It consists of 40 natural ingredients, which can normalize high blood pressure and purify the blood on regular intake of this herbal formulation. 

Abana has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, decreases total cholesterol, triglycerides & bad cholesterol and helps in normalizing lipid profile. It also relieves emotional hypersensitivity that negatively affects the work of the heart. It also lowers blood pressure, so it can also be used in mild to moderate hypertension and provides energy, keeps the body in good shapeby rapid breakdown of fats in the body.

Composition of Abana

Each tablet contains: 

 Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)30 mg
 Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)20 mg
 Nepeta hindostan (Nepeta hindostan)20 mg
 Dashamula (Dashamula)20 mg
 Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)10 mg
 Amla (Emblica officinalis)10 mg
 Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) 10 mg
 Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba)20 mg
 Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)10 mg
 Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)10 mg
 Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)10 mg


 Guggulu (resin) (Commiphora mukul)10 mg
 Shilajit (Asphaltum)10 mg
 Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)10 mg
 Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)10 mg
 Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)10 mg
 Pippali (Piper longum)10 mg
 Ajwan (Trachyspermum ammi)10 mg
 Ginger (Zingiber officinale)10 mg

Uses of Abana

Abana can be used in following indications:

Hyperlipidemia: Elevated lipids level in the blood
Dyslipidemia: Abnormal lipids level in the blood
Hypercholesterolemia: High Cholesterol level
High blood pressure: Mild to moderate hypertension
Benefits of Abana

Reduces lipid concentration, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Helps in the management of atherosclerosis
Prevents oxidative damage to the heart and stabilizes blood pressure
Lowers triglyceride levels, total cholesterol levels and free fatty acid levels, through the breakdown of lipids in the liver
Increases faecal bile acid excretion
Inhibits the biosynthesis of hepatic cholesterol and the oxidation of LDL

Arjuna, the main ingredients of Abana is a potent hypolipidemic (reduction of lipid concentration in the blood), responsible for reducing total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thereby helping in the management of atherosclerosis (fatty deposits along the artery walls). As a cardioprotective, the herb prevents oxidative damage to the heart and helps stabilizes blood pressure.

Indian Bdellium (Guggul) present in Abana effectively lowers triglyceride levels, total cholesterol levels and free fatty acid levels, through liver lipolysis (the breakdown of lipids in the liver), increased fecal bile acid excretion, inhibiting the biosynthesis of hepatic cholesterol (production of cholesterol in the liver) and inhibiting the oxidation of LDL.
Dosage of Abana

1-2 tablets, 2 times a day after meals. The drug is recommended to be taken as directed and under the supervision of a specialist.
Side effects:

Abana is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

  1. What is the use of Himalaya Abana Tablets?

The Himalaya Abana Tablet helps in reducing cholesterol levels like in cases of hyperlipidemia. It lowers triglyceride levels, total cholesterol levels and free fatty acid levels, through the breakdown of lipids in the liver.

  1. Does Abana reduce blood pressure?

A significant fall in diastolic blood pressure was noted in patients with mild hypertension. Abana seems to reduce preload and afterload and improve diastolic function and pump function, which may be responsible for the beneficial effects of Abana in ischemic heart disease.

  1. What are the ingredients of Himalaya Abana Tablets and how can I consume these tablets?

The key ingredients of Himalaya Abana Tablets are Arjuna and Guggul. Make sure that you take your Himalaya Abana Tablets as directed by the physician. Always consume as much as prescribed by the doctor.

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Combing Hair: Healthy Scalp Hair Tips Mon, 13 Mar 2023 06:09:03 +0000

Hair combing is a routine activity of almost all people. Some people keep a particular hair style throughout their life and some especially younger generation adopt new styles according to new trends and fashion. Hair styles has got close relation with the personality of a person.

The hair of an unhygienic person is usually tangled and dirty because of lack of washing and combing. To have a healthy scalp hair proper nutrition is needed. General health has got direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair. Regular washing, use of hair oil, proper combing etc. are also needed to make the hair beautiful. General hints for combing is discussed here.

  1. Different varieties of combs are available in the market. The best comb is selected by considering the nature of hair(hard or soft, long or short), style and convenience.

  2. Combing should be done with utmost care and concentration. Some people especially gents think about some other matters and comb without any care which may be harmful to the hairs.

  3. Combing should be gentle. A vigorous combing can increase hair falling.

  4. Do not comb if the hair is wet. First dry it with a towel and then put some oil and gently massage it. Now the combing will be easy and harmless.

  5. Should not be combed in the opposite direction of hairs. This can increase hair falling.

  6. Vigorous combing in backward direction can produce traction baldness.

  7. Frequent combing can damage the scalp and the hair follicles. Those who carry pocket comb use it frequently and make it a habit. Combing two or three times in a day is sufficient.

  8. The tooth of the comb should not be sharp and it should not be pressed too tightly on the scalp.

  9. Always clean the comb before and after use because hair and dirt deposited in the gap will make combing difficult and painful.

  10. Others comb should not be used. This helps to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Head lice can also spread from one person to other by sharing the combs.

  11. Combing the tangled hair is difficult and painful. Hence use some shampoo for cleaning and after drying  put oil and make the hairs free for an easy combing.
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What is foodie flavours Mon, 25 May 2020 03:02:55 +0000 Foodie Flavours are innovators in professional food and drink ingredients. Specialising in natural extracts and flavourings. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free, no added sugar and made in the UK.

Thousands of flavours are available to commercial customers with low minimum order quantities. A flavour creation service also helps with new RND projects. Foodie Flavours has built a reputation for producing ’Seriously professional flavouring for serious foodies’. Our natural Raspberry is a consistent best seller as well as our Vanilla Extract WONF which is resilient to fluctuations in the prices of vanilla beans.

All of our natural flavours are suitable for vegans & vegetarians and are gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free and contain no added sugar.
Our natural flavourings, extracts and oils are lovingly crafted by an expert flavourist to the highest quality. Only the best natural and organic plant materials sourced from producers around the world are used to formulate our intense flavours.

Our flavours are manufactured in the UK to BRC (British Retail Consortium) standard. We offer full disclosure from our Material Specification Data Sheet (MSDS) and we also offer a scale up order service for larger quantities should your products become more popular.

Giving a full-flavoured, creamy vanilla taste to your bakes, puds and sauces, this all-natural Foodie Flavours Vanilla Flavouring contains no alcohol at all, despite the hint of bourbon that serious foodies may be able to detect. Created with no artificial ingredients in the laboratory of a very talented British company, it’s sure to help all of us bakers and cooks to weather the world shortage of vanilla that has sent prices soaring in the latter half of the 2010s.

Each high-strength, professional grade flavouring requires just a few drops to flavour your food. Just 1ml – 15 to 20 drops – is enough for a kilo of cake mix!

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans as well as being gluten, egg and dairy free.

About Foodie Flavours

A small, family company who have been in business in the UK for over 60 years, they’re not quite Willy Wonka, but they have ‘invented’ thousands of flavours in their ‘laboratory’, so it’s a wonder our Food Buyer managed to whittle this selection down to just a few! Not just for cakes and bakes, they can also be added to ice cream, icing, desserts, meringues and sauces. Just a few drops create a natural taste and, with so many flavours available, you can even mix and match – we’ve tucked into banana ice cream, raspberry macaroons, even cherry-flavoured cupcakes topped with coconut buttercream and can certainly vouch for the taste.

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